In Praise of Art Teachers
This Thursday marks Thanksgiving for US bubblers and in the spirit of giving thanks, we’d like to celebrate and honour the dedicated teachers who first nurtured our passion for art. Whether they specialised in art, design, photography, woodwork or metalwork, these teachers all gave us a chance to use our right brains and encouraged us to experiment with our creativity.
In primary school they introduced us to papier mache, collage and finger painting and in our senior years they gave us access to an art space, equipment and materials and let us spend hours lost in creativity, until the bell went and we were catapulted back to reality and to our next math or sports class. If we were lucky, they let us find our niche, taught us to embrace our own style and encouraged us to play and experiment without taking over too often.
We have fond memories of our art teachers. They nurtured our creativity in a time when the focus was on getting good grades, passing exams and graduating with great career opportunities. In practical lessons, they made it easy to experiment and to try new things without having to worry about producing a masterpiece or investing in equipment in order to see whether we had a particular skill or a talent. And in their theory lessons, they gave us a glimpse into the lives of artists who chose a different path and who lived their lives compelled to create.
Do you remember your art teachers? What valuable lessons did you learn from them? And what would you thank them for if you had the chance to now? We’d also love to hear from any teachers or tutors, past or present, on your experiences teaching art.
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